Current Quarterfinalist - Screencraft Animation, 2022


In a real world of monsters that existed long before the dinosaurs, a little larva dreams of protecting his home from terrifying beasts—until he realizes he’s becoming one.



When I saw Pixar’s Inside Out, I thought Meg LeFauve and her team had written the perfect movie—I never in a million years believed that, one day, she would be helping me on my project.

I contacted Meg out of the blue, and, over the next six years, she generously kept up with my progress and shared her secret sauce for making amazing screenplays. When I told her my pitch for Cambria, she told me it was a world she’d never seen before, and offered to help me structure the story. 

Now that Cambria is a Quarterfinalist for a Screencraft Animation Award, I realize just how lucky I’ve been.

Example render for Cambria | “Tia” © Tovya Jacobs (Made with Dall-E)

Artist’s Statement            

Among the Pixar secrets I got from Meg, this was the biggest: The core of every great story is a question that the filmmaker has a burning need to answer. 

This creates an immediacy that reaches audiences of all generations.

Like Cambria’s hero, Myllo, I actually did believe that I was going to be a monster when I grew up. Raised in the 90s, I heard terrible things about men: that they were loutish, cruel oppressors, and, worst of all, I was going to become one.

Now that I’m having children of my own, I have a whole new terror: How do I protect them from the cruelty of the world? Even if I’ve found my way, will they be crushed under the weight of these strange legacies?

Most of the other secrets I got from Meg are about creating a fun, satisfying, uplifting experience. Cambria is a rollercoaster of a family adventure, filled with joy and humor. Beneath it all is a genuine, human struggle–filled with questions that I am still trying to answer. 

And that’s how I know they’re still important.

Example render for Cambria | “Hal” © Tovya Jacobs| Made with Dall-E

The World of Cambria        

To say this was before the dinosaurs doesn’t capture it: the earliest dinosaur lived closer in time to you than to the creatures of Cambria. They are older than the rings of Saturn, older than grass and trees, older than fish.

Complex life was brand new, and this was the first time it really blew up. Suddenly, the oceans were full of a kaleidoscope of creatures, each one stranger than the next.

This is an introduction to the creatures of Cambria, and they only get even more bizarre from here.

Interested in More?

Would you like to be part of the Cambria story?

Please be in touch if you have any questions or would like to take a look at the script.

